Players will still be able to find items with higher level requirements, but player level is now taken into account. Increased chances that items found have a level requirements closer to the player’s actual level when found.Fix Depth of Field toggle not being applied in dialogues.Fixed so the camera setting “Auto Adjust > Player” also applies for combat, if turned off the camera will no longer try to frame enemies while in combat.Added Motion Blur slider to the settings.When starting a NG+ game, the player will now be able to unlock perks from all classes. Opened up all class perks for NG+ games.Fixed difficulty settings not being applied for already spawned enemies.Added „Extreme“ difficulty setting, where enemy damage and attack rate is further increased.Removed the text delay animation when either gibberish or narration is disabled.Fixed narration and gibberish playing silently and producing an awkward pause when each corresponding volume setting is set to 0 instead of skipping the sound entirely.Added dialogue setting toggles for “Gibberish” and “Narrator” allowing players to select if they want to hear the narrator, the gibberish or both when talking to NPCs.Reduced the amount of gibberish spoken before the Narrator starts translating.Removed multiple camera presentations to improve pacing.

Removed some parts of Goop and Gizmo’s dialogues to improve pacing.